ONE DAY COLLECTION- free printable coloring pages

The ONE DAY collection represents a series of artworks dedicated to children’s dreams. It all started when I sketched out the dreams of my nieces and nephews, back when I wasn’t a mom myself. I asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, and I brought those dreams to life through illustrations.

Now, in these tough times, this collection takes on a whole new meaning. It’s a call to action, a reminder that we need to dream and think about the future, especially with our kids.

You’re invited to download the various illustrations, print them at home, and have a creative process of coloring with your little ones – all for free. This does not mean that they already must decide and choose what they want to be when they grow up.But it is an opportunity having that heart-to-heart talk about their dreams, giving them hope and something to look forward to.

And while you’re at it, talk about what it takes to be a:
Fire(wo)man – courage, bravery, teamwork, and staying cool under pressure.
Dancer – feeling that connection to their body, perseverance, and letting creativity flow.
Detective – curiosity, thinking critically, improvising, staying sharp, and being neutral.
Blogger – charisma, getting creative, and adding a touch of grace to everything.
Veterinarian – love for animals, sensitivity, great communication with people, and responsibility.

Additionally, I’ve crafted a new print with deep admiration for the boys and girls who have been real-life superheroes during these challenging times. This artwork is a salute to those who’ve been on the frontlines, those supporting from behind, and for those who were kidnapped, we wish that they return to us soon. Amen!

The new print can also be printed and colored at home.


It should be noted  that many important and interesting professions still do not appear in the series (not even mine:)). The choices here came from a survey I did on social media, with both parents and kids chipping in. If there’s a profession you’re burning to see, send me a message. If I see enough interest, I’ll make sure to add it to the collection.

This is the least I could give during this time, and I hope I can give you quality time or even a close conversation with your dear ones. Wishing us quiet and beautiful days in our beautiful country.